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Throughout the year, we offer one-on-one Zoom coaching to students all around the country.

Working with kids from late elementary through high school, we offer customized programs based on each student's needs and interests. Our students have included:

  • 5th graders developing their creative fiction
  • 7th graders learning to generate ideas and organize them
  • 9th graders deepening their academic writing fundamentals
  • 10th graders honing English class essays
  • 12th graders preparing college application essays
  • and everything in between!

Whatever a student's focus, we make the writing progress accessible and clear. Our students really do get better, and they enjoy the process of getting there!

Contact us today to discuss your child's needs.

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What We Do

Ongoing Coaching

The most effective way we’ve found to improve student writing is a standing weekly meeting. Like regular music lessons, this gives students consistent, repeated contact with the act of writing and an opportunity to iterate on their work and see real improvement. For younger students, as well as those doing creative writing, we give assignments each week that allow them to develop the skills we are practicing on their own, and keep them engaged with the act of writing. For high school students focused on academic writing, we weave together lessons that build writing fundamentals with help in applying these techniques to their school assignments.

One-on-One Writing Courses

For families looking for a close-ended commitment, we offer individualized, fixed-length courses focused on a comprehensive skill-building curriculum and/or a goal to complete pieces of work (creative or personal essay). In some cases, we have help our students get this work published or entered into competitions. Our courses generally meet once or twice a week for a duration of 12 to 15 weeks (depending on each students' goals).

Assignment-Specific Support

Whether it's for school essay support or college application essays, we are available to help students navigate specific assignments on an as-needed basis. Our orientation is always toward larger principles of writing, including finding better insights, improving organization, developing tone, and improving sentence expression. We help students assess and improve their work at each stage of the process, including outline, first draft, and final polish.

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Group Classes

If you're looking for group classes, our Summer 2024 schedule is posted now! In the mean-time, we offer group classes on demand – including ongoing weekly groups and intensives that meet over school breaks. Gather your own group, or contact us to get on a wait list of interested students.